Thursday, December 1, 2011

Saber Lily

Name: Saber Progress: 15%
Series: Fate/Unlimited Codes Total Cost: $1oo.oo
Version: Lily Alternate Related Posts: here
Reference Images
It's time. I've rested enough and I'm ready to take on a challenging cosplay again! I've always loved Saber, in fact she--next to Sheryl is one of my all time favorite characters! I met my boyfriend bonding over Fate/Stay Night--and I thought he was chill because he liked Saber too! ...well that sounds nerdy @__@. Anyway, I love her and after starting Fate/Zero I've been re-reminded and fired up! I'm going to do Saber Lily though, because I love this design and we're going to be trying out armor for the first time. I plan on doing Saber's main outfit if this goes well :).

I'm just really excited to start working on this costume, because I definitely think that it'll be a challenge ^3^ but I've rested enough after doing Jane and I'm feeling energized and ready to take on another difficult project!

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